CiNEOLA is a platform for Latin American stories. Stream our selection of documentary short films.

CiNEOLA Presents

Estamos, Que Es Ganancia

Viviana Zuñiga


Rafael (Tio Lape) and Joel live in Santiago, Tuxtla, a town in the state of Veracruz, México that has been affected by the war on drugs. They have found a way to remain alive, through their music: Son Jarocho. Building community, thus combating the fear, violence, and sadness that this way of life entails.

Director's Statement

Filming this movie was born from my need to give back a little of what my second family of Veracruz musicians has given me; It is through the process that I realized the palpable pain of a people that lives through their music and traditions, as well as the resistance of a community that reflects the moment in which we live. A time when violence in Mexico is a symptom of a broken society, where fear is normalized, but where fortunately it has not paralyzed everyone, but has given them the strength and volume to make the music that they have been playing for centuries. Son Jarocho for me is much more than music, I think that like cinema, it represents resilience, freedom, and memory.


director, producer & editor Viviana Zuñiga co-production SAE Institute México cinematography Sergei Ramírez sound Sergio E. Cerecedo, Andres Blat sound designer Emmanuel Salazar thx mix Cesar González Cortes sound mix & edit assistant Juan Antonio Pacheco music Eduardo Castellanos, Anna Arimendiz, Moises Gallegos, Fernando Cadena, Lucero Farías, Viviana Zuñiga editor Rodolfo Paz Manzano post-producer Victor Gómez colorist Miguel González cast Joel C. Castellanos, Rafael Domínguez Najera “Tío Lape”